
Institutional Reconstruction of the Georgian Judiciary: A Comparative Perspective

The core finding within the realm of academic research revolves around the identification of a problem and its corresponding solution. In the case of Georgia's judiciary, the institutional issue at hand is the consolidation of power in a top-down manner, which entrusts the entire authority of the judicial branch to a single entity - the High Council of Justice, and its controlling judicial elite. The fundamental concept driving the proposed institutional reconstruction is the complete decentralization/deconcentration. Decentralization entails that the High Council of Justice should no longer retain simultaneous control over various facets, such as the appointment of judges, their career management, dismissals (including their removal from office), and the administration of courts. The direct institutional path to achieve this objective involves the abolition of the current structure of the High Council of Justice. In a broader context, the reform concept offers several potential institutional alternatives to actualize the overarching systemic objective of decentralization.

Note: The full document is available only in Georgian.


Davit Zedelashvili, Tamar Ketsbaia, Ana Tchiabrishvili